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and learn how to practice wellness, without obsession.

In six short weeks! Are you ready?!

 Let me guess…You love health and wellness. You’re wellness obsessed.

You spend all your free time researching all things health, wellness and nutrition.

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But at the end of the day…you know you are over being wellness obsessed.

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Intuitive eating is the foundation of our wellness without obsession philosophy.

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And you want to become an intuitive eater, but how?

The path feels overwhelming, confusing and way too messy.

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If you had a relationship status on Facebook with food, it would be: It’s Complicated.

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Here are 4 reasons you fear making peace with food…

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in order to let go of the fear and make peace once and for all…

You need a step-by-step guide, a playbook, to help walk you through the permission stage of intuitive eating.

the barriers to intuitive eating can be removed with the proper guidance, education and support.

And that’s what I would love to help you do.

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A proven step-by-step guide for how to move past the confusion and overwhelm of the permission stage and become an intuitive eater.

Permission Stage Playbook is the only program of its kind that will:

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Meet your course teacher: Victoria Myers RD/N and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

I cannot wait to have you as a student of Permission Stage Playbook! I'm a non-diet dietitian, intuitive eater, and wellness lover.

I struggled with a decade long battle with yo-yo dieting, restrict and binge eating and orthorexia (the unhealthy obsession with eating healthy).

And then I discovered intuitive eating. It changed my life in SO many ways. It gave the joy of eating back, and also the joy of my life back! Intuitive eating also provided me the mental space and clarity to realize I had really big dreams for my career and life.

After I embraced intuitive eating in my own life, I started a virtual private practice, Nourishing Minds Nutrition, helping other women do the same. In our fourth year now, my team of dietitians and I have helped hundreds of women through this very process, and used what we have learned in clinical experience to create this very course.

Disordered behavior around food and movement isn’t new for me, and when the pandemic landed us at home 7 months before my wedding, I was in a time of crisis. I knew I needed the tools and the support to remind me why I couldn’t go back down the same road I’d traveled down time and time again only to end up back in the same spot. This was an unbelievable, irreplaceable experience for me and I could not recommend it more!
— Amanda, student of Permission Stage Playbook

Tour the Course

module 1: Mindset matters

Let’s get your mindset ready for working through the principles of intuitive eating that encompass the permission stage. Understanding your why, getting clear on your values and facing your fears helps you stay motivated as you move into the how portion of this course.

module 2: body image beliefs + set point theory

In order to fully embrace intuitive eating, you need to understand your body image beliefs because weight loss will never give us positive body image. We’ll instead teach you how to let your body be, instead of constantly micromanaging it. Learn the science behind set point theory and body respect, so you can move on from hating your body to respecting it instead.

module 3: going all in: give yourself permission to eat

Reject diet culture, food fears and the rules you have about health and wellness, and give yourself the unconditional permission to eat. Let’s officially get this journey started! In this module we will walk you through the step by step process of what it means to go from  food fear → food freedom.

module 4: make peace with food and your need to eat

Keep going through the permission stage, working to make peace with all foods and trusting yourself to explore adding all foods you desire into your eating world. We’ll also walk you through the more nuanced parts of intuitive eating, like honoring hunger and fullness, emotional eating and how to cope with potential binge eating.

module 5: how to use the body AND MIND to make food decisions

In this module, we’ll share how to use both the body and mind to make food decisions. Mindfulness and intuitive decisions as well as rational thought surrounding food are all part of intuitive eating. You’ll also learn why satisfaction is so important when it comes to food and why pleasure should be considered a health value.

module 6: bonus content and wrap up week

Receive bonus content on next steps to take and how to practice wellness without obsession, helping you to embrace the gray area of health and wellness. PLUS, you’ll learn about the final two principles of intuitive eating on joyful movement and gentle nutrition, that way you’ll feel confident on how to apply all 10 principles of intuitive eating in your life.

vip coaching experience

Permission Stage Playbook is an online course AND group coaching experience. For six weeks as you take the course, you'll have access to a private Facebook group, a support group of like-minded women to do this with, access to multiple RD's to help answer your specific questions AND weekly group coaching calls.

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You’ll walk away from Permission Stage Playbook with the confidence and clarity of what it means to BE an intuitive eater.

No more guessing at what it means to listen to your body and no more piecing together the Intuitive Eating process from random Instagram posts and graphics. As a result you'll walk through the permission stage of intuitive eating quicker, easier and with a whole heck of a lot less confusion and overwhelm.

Module 1 will be released on Monday, March 1st- but as soon as you purchase there is work waiting for you to prepare you to dive into the permission stage. Once module 1 is released, modules are released weekly for six total weeks of education, guidance and support. You'll also have lifetime access to the modules once all the content is released, how awesome is that?!

We feel so confident that what we've created is going to help you achieve your goals, but if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can ask for a full refund within 7 days of your purchase. Read full terms and conditions here.

I purchased Permission Stage Playbook because I have been following the work of Nourishing Minds Nutrition for some time, and this offer seemed like the perfect way to dive into intuitive eating more fully alongside a group of women doing the same. It felt like the perfect (and affordable!) way to educate myself more about intuitive eating. I am so grateful for all that I learned, and for the validating environment of the group. I really can’t recommend this course enough!
— Megan, student of Permission Stage Playbook

Grab your cup of coffee (or matcha!), it’s time to learn!

when you enroll in permission stage playbook, you’ll not only receive lifetime access to the online course, but you’ll also get a vip coaching experience including weekly group coaching calls with me and a private facebook group.

Even better? The entire team at my practice, Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is here to support you. That means you’ll receive all of our years of experience doing this work one-on-one, for a little more than the cost of a single session with one of us.

yea, you could keep following 20 different non-diet dietitians and keep learning about intuitive eating from random social media graphics on instagram, but how about we save you the time and headache?

I’m so passionate about helping you become an intuitive eater, I’m offering this course + VIP coaching experience at a steal, pay only $457 or in 2 installments of $237.

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What if I go through this course and do not see any changes in my relationship with food?

We feel so confident that this course will support your goals to learn how to become an intuitive eater, but if you implement all that we recommend and still don't see progress, we offer a full refund within 7 days of purchase.

What makes this different than working one-on-one with you or one of your team members?

We LOVE our clients we work with in a one-on-one setting. However, working one-on-one is a more time intensive, expensive & vulnerable option. This is great for people who are ready to jump into intuitive eating without those barriers.

What if I have an active eating disorder?

This course should still be appropriate for you, however we ask that you talk to your dietitian or health care provider to ensure it's a good fit. We'd love if this course was done with your dietitian, that way you can have modifications recommended to you based off your unique needs.

what if I’m not ready to let go of the desire to lose weight?

This is NORMAL. Pursuing the thin ideal is ingrained into us from a young age, no matter how detrimental it can be to our physical and mental health. Our job inside of Permission Stage Playbook is to teach you exactly how to make peace with your now body, so if you don’t feel there yet, you’re a great fit for the program!

Can you remind me of everything I get when I sign up?

Of course! When you enroll today, you'll receive access to our 5 module online course, as well as a bonus week in week 6 and bonus content throughout the course. PLUS, you'll receive the VIP experience with a private Facebook group, a support group of like-minded women to do this with, access to multiple RD's to help answer your specific questions AND weekly group coaching calls with me for 6 weeks. Talk about a deal!

Victoria and the team was amazing throughout this journey. This was worth every penny and I look forward to going back through the modules again at different points of my journey. This has truly been life changing!
— Grace
The Permission Stage Playbook has been wonderful, encouraging, and informative. I highly recommend for anyone striving to distance themselves from diet culture and wanting to have a stronger mind, body, and spirit connection.
— Mary-Catherine

Permission Stage Playbook

is perfect for you if…

You're finally over dieting and switching to a new clean eating program every 3 months. You want to figure out how to eat intuitively, you're just now sure how.

You've tried on your own to give yourself unconditional permission to eat, but it was crazy confusing and overwhelming. You may have given up on intuitive eating, thinking it wasn't for you.

You may listen to podcasts or read books about intuitive eating, but you're still finding it hard to implement. You know you need step by step guidance so you can un-complicate the process.

you feel isolated trying to stop dieting on your own, and would love some guidance along the way, and accountability through a community of like minded women to do the journey with.

You're ready to experience what it feels like to be flexible and free with your food choices, once and for all.

You are ready to let go of the obsession and preoccupation with food and wellness, clearing your head so you have the mental space and energy to really enjoy your life again.

You don’t trust yourself or your body. You’re ready to discover what trust, connection and respect for yourself and your body can feel like.

A personal note from me to you…

I know we just left a really tough year. With the beginning of 2021 here, there’s still that sense of hopelessness that lingers from 2020…But there’s also a deep relief of hopefulness, do you feel it too?

The most beautiful thing about becoming an intuitive eater is that you not only give yourself the unconditional permission to eat, but also the permission to show up fully as yourself. To stop letting fear (fear of food, fear of our body changing, etc.) dictate your ever move. With intuitive eating, we learn how to fully step into our power and truly live life again.

I look forward to un-complicating the intuitive eating journey for you so you can accomplish your goals of flexibility with food, and freedom to truly enjoy and live your life to the fullest.

XOXO, Victoria